- May 5, 2020
Fox Protocols for Health
- Frances Fox
Frances Fox Mental Yoga Peace Program
A Program to Strengthen and Protect Your Intentionality
What blocks you from mastering your life? What can help you to achieve your intentions so that you end up exactly where you want? What is the role of your mind in this process we call creation? How do you keep a state of mind that ensures you are living as you intend? Today it is hard to imagine you can beat the overwhelming odds that appear to face you, yet great men throughout history have taught that your mind creates reality.
Frances Fox Mental Yoga Peace Program can help you to live in a state of mind of powerfully focused intentionality so that you can create the life you want. The program exercises help you to understand the role of your mind in creating your reality and strengthen your God given power of manifestation. The program recommends you pay attention to the quality of your environment as it influences your ability to stay clear and focused on your intentions.
The Mental Yoga Peace Program can be applied to mental, spiritual, emotional and even physical issues such as disease. Psychoneuroimmunology, a branch of medicine, established over 40 years ago that stress and emotions can cause disease revealing that emotions and immunology are interdependent. The exercises in the program are effective at purifying emotions and thoughts that can be a preamble to disease. Kindly continue with the supervision of a medical doctor if you are ill, in addition to this program.
The definition of the word PEACE means an undisturbed state of mind, which is what you need to achieve your intentions. That state of mind is called EKAGRATA and is defined as “single pointed focus” which is the state of mind we call being in the zone. Miracles can occur when we are in that state of mind of single pointed focus. Unfortunately it is the opposite of the state of mind we value today, the multi-tasking state of mind.
Your Mind, Your Tree of Life
Your Tool for Creation
The Frances Fox Mental Yoga Peace Program is a set of mental exercises that purify and align you with your intentions. There are five exercises plus several recommendations:
– Two of the mental exercises are point specific mantras, powerful techniques that purify and align you with your intentions.
– The third mantra is the OM mantra that energizes your intentional body.
– A powerful visualization will astound you in its capacity to give life to the images and intentions you choose
– A mudra, which is a positioning of the hands and fingers to achieve a specific state of mind, helps ground your intentions.
Understanding the Structure
of Your Mind
The human mind is a two-layered system of energetic channels that your consciousness flows through, with the operational word being “flow”. It has a central channel that is traditionally called the causal energy body. We will refer to it as your intentional energy body, which is where your intentions are held. It is shaped like a double terminated funnel that overlays your spine.
The second part of your mind is your mental energy body. It is a system of 72,000 microfilaments called mindstreams that extend from the intentional body. Together this mental body system of 72,000 mind-streams and its trunk, the intentional body, form the basis for the symbolism of the Tree of Life. Your intentional/causal body is the center axis of not only your mind but also your life. It is here that reality is created.
Aligning your Tree of Life With the
Galactic Tree of Life
At this time in human history, your individual Tree of Life is now aligning with the Galactic Tree of Life. This alignment does one of two things: it enables your mind to have such strength of intentions that you can create almost magically or it can create a chaotic mind. Good habits and the use of the Frances Mental Yoga can align you with the Galactic Tree of Life with a powerful strengthening of your intentions
Mental Yoga
Peace Program
with the Purification Mantra
The Purification Mantra works like a vacuum cleaner, purifying your mind of negative images, emotions, thoughts, old traumas and patterns called vasanas, which have a magnetic quality. These vasanas activate the Law of Attraction drawing to you more of the same. The words of the mantra should address the state of mind you want to eradicate.
Even though I am afraid (or lonely, angry, depressed, etc.)
I love and accept myself
Repeat this mantra silently and with rhythmic breath at least 25 times a day
with the Intention Mantra
The Intention Mantra aligns you with your intention by reorganizing the congestions in your mind, creating the state of mind called being in the zone. The words of the Intention Mantra are specific to what you intend:
Please God help me with my intention to be happy (or prosperous, or to find a nice home, or to have a good wife/husband. etc.)
Repeat this mantra silently and with rhythmic breath at least 25 times a day
by Energizing Thoughtforms and Images
We create reality by first creating what is called a thoughtform. A thoughtform is a thought with an image. As the mind pays attention to and breathes into this thoughform, it moves from the subtler dimensions until it reaches the heaviest dimension, the physical dimension and it is then called reality.
Visualizations work because they focus your attention on your predetermined images, converting them into thoughtforms and then energizing them with your focused attention and breath till they become a manifested reality.
Energizing Thoughtform Visualizations
In your mind construct a complex “picture” of what your fulfilled intention looks like to you. Create a picture of the success you want, as if it had already happened. Add as many elements based on reality as possible, including clothing you have in your closet. Add sensory elements such as smells, touch, and sounds. Spend several minutes a day visualizing and energizing this thoughtform with focused intention and breath. Do the visualization of this thoughtform silently, with rhythmic breath. If your mind wanders during the visualization, do the Intention Mantra to regain your focus.
The Apana Mudra
Mudras are positions of the hands and fingers that create an intended state of mind. Often when we desire something it stays on the mental dimension, never becoming a reality. When we are overly mental it is hard to bring these dreams into reality. The Apana Mudra grounds your mind by connecting it with the physical dimension, infusing “life” into your dreams, turning them into intentions so they can manifest as realities. To do the Aprana Mudra touch the tips of your thumb, middle and ring fingers together, and then extend index and little fingers and when possible, rest the back of your hands on your thighs. You can do the Apana Mudra when you are walking or sitting.
OM Mantra
The sound of OM (also pronounced AUM) opens and energizes your intentional channel. Try and do the OM Mantra as often and as long as you can during your day.
Tips for efficient use of the exercises
Your mind has bad habits. It will tend to “forget” to do the exercises.
We recommend:
- – Prayer beads or a rosary anchors your intention to do the mantras, by keeping your awake on the physical dimension so your mind will wander less.
- – Use post notes to remind you to do the program.
- – Doing the program in a natural setting augments the power of the exercises.
Influences On Your Mind
Astrological Influences
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine has been quoted as saying: “He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor but a fool”. The influences of the energy that the planets transfer to you should not be underestimated in regard to physical health and states of mind. It is well established that the moon has tremendous influences on the mind and so do other planets. Incorporating astrological knowledge into your life is an assist in understanding and gaining control over your intentionality.
Bad Habits That Influence Your Intentionality
- Compulsive thoughts
- Feeding your mind negative images from TV, magazines, or your computer
- Negative conversations.
- Multi tasking weakens your mind by dividing your focus.
- Communication multitasking: speaking on the phone while driving, working, and/or exercising, etc.
- Multi tasking on computers by having multiple windows open or working on the computer while driving, eating, talking, etc.
- Repressing emotions congest the mind and block flow
- Physical exhaustion weakens the mind
- Repetitive activities, mental or otherwise, cause your mind to become robotic.
- Addiction to: TV, computer, Internet, phone, text messaging
- Jarring sounds weaken your mind
Environmental influences
on your intentionality
Your mindstreams feed off of your environment, whether it is your home, office or places you spend your leisure time. Your environment can support or detract from your ability to stay focused and fully intended. We suggest you choose wisely where you work, live and play. We recommend you purify your spaces daily to prevent an energetic plague from weakening your intentionality.
Toxic Environments Debilitate Your Intentionality
A strong mind requires a healthy environment. Your environment should not be intoxicated with chemicals, radiations or congestions of emotions, thoughts or even spirits. We offer these suggestions about your environment knowing that there are many more types of “sick” environments.
Haunted Environments Debilitate your Intentionality
The quality of your environment needs to be harmonious to support your intentions. Lost spirits and ghosts are particularly toxic to your mind. Systematic purification of your environment is an important component of protecting and strengthening your intentionality.
Transference of Bad Energy
Monitor where you take your mind. Protect your mind from transference of bad energy by consciously choosing where you go, and whom you are with. The transference of bad energy from others is a very real issue and often debilitates your ability to stay focused and fully intended.
Issues of Electrosmog, Electroaddiction and Electrofog
There is today a new, silent enemy to your intentionality and it is called electroaddiction, an addiction to the vibration of electromagnetic radiation, which has created a toxic environment called electrosmog. Both are due to excess electromagnetic radiation overwhelming your mindstreams, literally frying them, creating a new state of mind identified as electrofog. Memory loss, confusion, diminished judgment and an inability to stay focused are some of the symptoms of electrofog, which interfere with your intentionality.
Electro Hypersensitivity
It is possible that electromagnetic radiation is the biggest issue today in regards to your intentionality. Protect yourself from the issues of electrohupersensitivity, electrosmog, electroaddiction and electrofog issues by monitoring and controlling the amount of time you spend on wireless devices and in places that are not natural. Try to eliminate as much electromagnetic radiation, particularly microwave technology in your life, as possible. Www.antennasearch.com will map out for you how many cell phone towers and antenna are near you.
- Go back to wired internet, etc. If unable to do that then turn off your wireless routers at night and when not in use.
- Don’t sleep with a cell phone, wireless router, electric blankets, and electric heating pads or with electric clock radios or cordless phones near your head or body.
- Use a corded landline telephone instead of a cordless one
- Forward your cell phone calls to a corded landline when you are at home or at your office and turn of the cell phone
- Wire your laptop computer
- Electromagnetic radiation will ground with metals so watch out for metal in your mattresses, jewelry, dental work, or on clothing, bras, and furniture.
- Eliminate fluorescent, which emits
- Limit your time on computer devices or any electrical devices.
Being Fried in an Electromagnetic Field:
The in-between Issue
Being in between electrical devices creates an electromagnetic field, which can debilitate and burn your mindstreams. Map out all the electrical and microwave driven devices that surround you. Make sure you are not sitting, sleeping nor spending a lot of time in-between devices, which would mean you, are spending time being “fried” by an electromagnetic field. Add up the many different ways you can find yourself in-between two electronic devices today and you can begin to see the extent of toxicity that is rapidly influencing not only health but also intentionality.
Medicine for your mind:
Animals and Nature
Animal Influence for Your Mind
The indigenous and ancient civilizations used animal energies to reinforce their intentions. If you need a reinforcement of a particular characteristic, for example, powerful thrust and strength, then allow the panther to influence you by looking at and breathing in the energy of a photo of a panther. You can choose a dog to strengthen you intention. You can have a dog to strengthen your intention to have companionship, whether it be a mate or simply good company. Viewing and interacting with animals also relaxes the mindstreams, unraveling them so they can energize your intentions rather than being knotted up due to stress.
Nature and the Four Elements
Your 72,000 mindstreams use the four elements of air, water, earth and fire as building blocks to create your reality. Living in a more natural setting with helps to ensure. Today too many people are deficient in one or more of the elements, thereby weakening their minds.
“Gas up” on the four elements with contact with the nature. Bring the four elements into your spaces with plants, essential oils for grounding your mind, flower essence sprays to purify your mind of negative emotions.