Marijuana: Esoteric Secrets

Dolphins on Marijuana #1                                    

March 18, 2014

Marijuana and disease

Marijuana can cure many diseases that are associated with soul dissatisfaction. In other words, the diseases that have to do with a soul not having its spiritual needs met, can be cured ultimately with marijuana.

There are diseases that are not curable with marijuana such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and all severe disassociation. In those diseases the person chooses not to continue to seek to satisfy its soul, so it shuts down the opportunities to evolve. In that cases Marijuana will only make the disease worse.

Frances: But aren’t all diseases due to some aspect of disassociation?

Yes but in terms of breath, not in terms of a mental decision that is consciously irreversible.

Frances: Ok, go on

Marijuana can relieve the pain of many emotional reactions so the Mindstrings let go and the mind gets relief. If too much marijuana is used it is not good, as then the end intention is not to feel at all, which is not the reason humans have emotions. They have emotions so that the feelings tell the person what they like/don’t like or need to move closer to or move away from.

Too much marijuana can avoid the opportunity those emotions

Marijuana was not known throughout the centuries but in certain parts of the world. The indigenous know its value if used wisely and is introduced early in the life of a young soul, prior to age 14.

Marijuana and children

Age 14 sets in place many thoughts and emotions that could be shaken off with early use of Marijuana. The Jews have their Bah Mitzvahs to help protect the child from the freezing of traumas that occur 7 months after the 14th birthday.

Frances: Very nice to be able to have the astral body set in concrete at age 14 with a lot of the childhood traumas softened or released. Is that what you are saying?

Yes, it should be incorporated into the rituals of childhood and entering into man/woman hood and it would really change society at large. It would also reduce the desire to buy and own things, which will not work if you seek to sustain a consumer economy.

Frances: I can see the implications for industry

Yes that is why it is prohibited, as marijuana users are not good consumers or soldiers.


Dolphins talk about marijuana #2

1/8/15 10:46 AM

Marijuana is a plant that has several intentions, depending on the part of the world the individual lives in.

If a person lives in Asia, where there is more community, less individualism and less personal power, marijuana helps them to feel more powerful, so they feel they can achieve their intentions. If it is a male it will help to reduce the feelings of helplessness when their power is blocked, which creates resentments, frustrations and a rage about the system or the mate that is blocking them. That same rage will ensure they will feel powerless the next time they are blocked even if they are not blocked. In that way a pattern and a cycle is set in stone and the person ends up with a history of institutions, mates or situations such as natural disasters, blocking their intentions.

In North America, where there is more individualism sometimes to the point of forgetting community, love, compassion and the group process, marijuana can help the individual to smooth the individuality characteristics so they can find pleasure and happiness in community.

Marijuana is a female plant

Marijuana is a female plant, which means it will add female energies to the individual using it. That makes it extremely important, as it is female energy that can help balance out the aggressive, violent energies that are making these times so difficult.

It is very simple: marijuana is a medicine, which by definition means to heal, to make whole. If it is used correctly, it can help the Planet bypass the prophesies of the violence we are already seeing playing out. That is why so many people are instinctively pushing for it in any way they can.

Marijuana and spirits

Marijuana works on the mindstrings, the strings that channel the individuals mind, relaxing them so they can more easily let go of what they are gripping. Marijuana works more on the left side of the body mindstrings, which are the element of fire and air. It works to balance those male elements.

Global Warming

Today the planet has an excess of the fire energy due to many things but primarily due to radiation.

”… the earth  (is) being enveloped in a dense fabric of artificially produced electromagnetic radiation; altogether a situation that has not previously existed in the evolution of our planet.” Note from Frances: Excellent quote but I don’t know where I got it!


Higgs Field breakdown

This radiation is breaking down the Higgs Field at a rate that is pushing the planet into a planetary crisis. We call it global warming, an excess of the fire element, but the true issue is the destruction of the Higgs Field, the destruction of the God Particles that make up the Higgs Field and the consequent destruction of the protection of the human mind from spirits of a completely different vibration.

  • Note from Frances about the Higgs Field: the Higgs Field is layer upon layer of grids that are aligned perfectly so that when energy flows, it will flow evenly through the lined up openings. And that is the point, that the layers align perfectly and in that way there is an orderly flow of energies. It is when the layers (Higgs Field) is damaged that there is no orderly flow of energies and other beings, thoughts and emotions can burst into/onto the individual who lives where the Higgs Field is broken)

The Higgs Field is made up of the God Particle and both the Higgs Field and the God particle are susceptible to excessive electromagnetic radiation and also congestions of negative emotions.

Law of Attraction

Prior to the destruction of the Higgs Field on planet earth, individuals attracted, via the Law of Attraction, spirits/beings that had something in common with them, such as depression, anger, issues of sexual abuse, all the domain of psychotherapy and religions.

Now, there is no barrier to the invading spirits because the Higgs Field is a protective shield, so even if the individual purifies all your emotional baggage and lives correctly as in the food ingested and daily activities, if the Higgs Field is not strong, the person will be taken over by the spirits entering the planet now.

 Now, due to the lack of protection of the Higgs Field, humans are being invaded with beings that do not have anything in common with the individual they attach to or invade.

That is the importance of Marijuana at this time in human history, an assist in protecting the planet from invading forces, as predicted in the Bible and also by the Mayans.

Dolphins on Marijuana # 3

1/9/15 10:18 AM

Marijuana, Global Warming, Higgs Field,

the God Particle and Spirits

Marijuana and spirits

Marijuana works on the strings (mindstrings) that channel the individuals mind, relaxing them so they can more easily let go of what they are gripping. Marijuana works more on the left side of the body mindstrings, which are the element of fire and air. It works to balance those male elements.

Marijuana reduces the issues of excess fire in humans, which will reduce the violence on the planet.

Higgs Field breakdown

Today the planet has an excess of the fire energy due to many things but primarily due to radiation. This radiation is breaking down the protective Higgs Field at a rate that is pushing the planet into a planetary crisis. We call it global warming, an excess of the fire element, but the true issue is the destruction of the Higgs Field, the destruction of the God Particles that make up the Higgs Field and the consequent destruction of the protection of the human mind from spirits of a completely different vibration.

Note from Frances about the Higgs Field: the Higgs Field is layer upon layer of grids made up of the God Particles, that are aligned perfectly so that when energy flows, it will flow evenly through the aligned openings.grid Higgs Field straight correct 2

 And that is the point, that the layers align perfectly and in that way there is an orderly flow of energies. It is when the layers (Higgs Field) are damaged that there is no orderly flow of energies and other beings, thoughts and emotions can burst into/onto the individual who lives where the Higgs Field is broken.grid broken               broken deformed grid Higgs Field

The Higgs Field and the God Particles are particularly susceptible to excessive electromagnetic radiation and congestions of negative emotions.

 Law of Attraction

Prior to the destruction of the Higgs Field on planet earth, individuals attracted, via the Law of Attraction, spirits/beings that had something in common with them, such as depression, anger, issues of sexual abuse, all issues in the domain of psychotherapy and religions.

 Now, there is no barrier to the invading spirits because as the protecting Higgs Field is not strong, the person will be taken over by the spirits entering the planet now, even if the individual purifies all their emotional baggage and lives correctly as in the food ingested and daily activities

 Due to the lack of protection of the Higgs Field, humans are now being invaded with beings that do not have anything in common with the individual they attach to or invade.

It can be said they are not of the same vibration, they don’t resonate with the individual or Planet Earth, etc.

 That is the importance of Marijuana at this time in human history, an assist in protecting the planet from invading forces, as predicted in the Bible and also by the Mayans.

 Marijuana #4

18/01/15 11:10 am

Marijuana is a gift from God to humans, as is everything else. But marijuana is most necessary now in this era of violence that is being dumped on the Planet. This violence does not spring from the human heart nor emotions, it is filled in, as in filling a space, when a human is hurt and has a broken heart.

That broken heart, that hurt, makes the humans disassociate from a part of themselves that is in severe pain. That leaves a space in the individual and as you know, emptiness is never “allowed”, it is immediately filled.

In therapy this concept is know as disassociation. In medicine it is knows as dementia, Alzheimer’s and a soon to be named new mental disease which will cover those humans that eat others and kill and main for the sheer pleasure of it. At this time the word would be zombie…

It is what is entering those empty spaces that is going to tear planet Earth apart: new spirits with a desire to kill, main and “eat” humans.


It has been said throughout history by people who had access to this knowledge, that there are beings from outside our Planet that feed off of our negative emotions. And that same group is known to incite wars amongst nations and fighting amongst family members, in order to push the   individuals to react with fear and anger. zombies movie tv show png

That fear and anger, whether it is emoted or repressed, is an actual fuel that these other beings live off of. It a literal source of energy, as we use dead bodies and dead plants called fossil fuels to energize our vehicles.

Back to marijuana….

Marijuana has the ability to help fill in that space with

a feeling of satisfaction, in spite of the issues the person has, including the issues the person would normally have disassociated from.

Having marijuana available, particularly if it is point specific types of marijuana that targets the specific ailment, is a way to diminish the violence on the entire planet, not just what is called Western Civilization.

Until relatively recently, there was a true division between east and west but that division was erased by the wide spread use of television and now cell phones as a means of entertainment. The entertainment is mainly of a Western Civilization type and promotes Western type values.

Those values of independence and individuality with not much regard for community, is in contrast to the movement towards the values of the Age of Aquarius, which cannot be stopped.

So the battle on Planet Earth is between Western Values and Age of Aquarius values and that battle is killing the souls of many; better said, it is fragmenting many individuals, creating spaces where the spirits and the energy of violence is entering.

If there were only Eastern values on Planet Earth, the entrance into the Age of Aquarius would not be so dramatic and painful.

Just as aspirin and its many versions has become a household item and is used daily by many people, marijuana will become a household item that will be ingested via smoking, eaten via edibles and inhaled via aromatherapy. Soon in Germany they will perfect the injections of marijuana for those who are truly sick.

Intro to Marijuana Research

A story about medicine

I have a friend who is an Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Akilesh Sharma. I learned a lot about natural medicine from him but particularly from a story he told me. This is the gist of the story:

There was a guru who taught medicine. One day he told his students to go and find one plant that did not have medicinal qualities to it. The students went off and as the days passed, the students came back with a plant they thought did not have the ability and intention to heal something in a human being. The guru would then tell what that particular plant could heal in a person.

 After days there was still one student who had not returned. The guru asked about him and the students said he was hiding in his home, ashamed. The guru went to his home and the door was locked and the windows were shuttered, but the guru insisted on speaking to the student. When he asked what was wrong, the student said he was ashamed that he could not find one simple plant that was not a medicine.

You know the moral of the story: there is not a simple plant on the planet that does not have an intention to heal something. This story brings us back to the importance of intention in the medicines you take.

What is the intention?

What is the intention of the lab that makes your pills? What is the intention of the pharmacy that sells them to you? Knowing the intention of large corporations, I suspect that a lot of our medications are more aligned with the intention to make money and corner a market than to purify you of disease.

Years ago I shared office space with a doctor of osteopathy. He was excellent as he was a wonderful combination of the best that modern medicine has to office and the best of alternative medicine.

He would ask me to diagnose not just patients who were “stuck” in their disease but also new vitamins and supplements. I would give him my psychic “hit” and he volunteered that I was very accurate. One day as I stood at my office door, he walked towards me with a bottle in his hand. Gold energy was dripping off of it and spilling onto the floor. I gasped and asked him what was in the bottle he was holding. He said it was a vitamin supplement for losing weight and wanted my opinion. I told him about the gold I saw and asked him to please order it for me.

I used the supplements for months with an astounding weight loss I had not experienced before. And then one day, I noticed it was no longer working. I was disappointed but did not mention it to the doctor. He asked me what was going on with the remedy and I volunteered it seemed to no longer be working. He said it was strange but that several patients had had the same experience, great weight loss and the all of a sudden, nothing. So he asked that I “read” what happened.

Intention, it was all about intention

The doctor who invented that formula really, really wanted his patients to have a product that helped them lose weight. His strong intention went into his product. It had ingredients that were no different than other weight loss products but full of his focused intention to lose weight. So what happened?

His success with that formula encouraged him to produce other products. Apparently he liked the money he was making from the volume sales. Unfortunately the impetus for the new products was money not the intention that the person loses weight. The product lost its “magic” because the attention and intention that went into the original product was withdrawn from it.

Since that time I advise my clients that they we buy health food products from stores and companies that actually believe in what they are producing and selling. That ensures that not only the intention of the company producing the product but also the store that sells the product goes into the item. You don’t pay extra but you get extra.

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