Mental Yoga for Kids

Fox Mental Yoga for Kids

Tools to manage your kids’ stress and fear due to the Coronavirus

The Fox Mental Yoga for Kids protocols are tools aimed at reducing your kids’ stress and fears associated with the Coronavirus. These simple exercises will help your children avoid and purify the emotional and mental consequences caused by stress. Do them with them to create harmony during social distancing & isolation! 

What are Mantras?

A mantra is a mystical formula that liberates the mind of negative thoughts, emotions and images.

  1. Purification mantra

The Purification mantras will act like a vacuum cleaner, absorbing and purifying your kids’ negative thoughts & emotions. They are to be repeated silently by your kids in their head while releasing their breath through the mouth throughout the  day.


To Purify your kids’ minds of fears, have them choose a mantra to repeat in silence: 

  • Even though I’m afraid, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I want to die, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I’m afraid because my parents are fighting, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I’m afraid my parents/grandparents will get sick, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I’m afraid to get sick, I love and accept myself.

To purify their minds of loneliness & isolation, have them choose a mantra to repeat in silence:

  • Even though I’m sad I cannot see my friends, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I’m lonely, I love and accept myself.

To purify their minds of the frustration and anger from being quarantined, have your kids choose a mantra and repeat in silence:

  • Even though I resent living like this, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I’m angry at my parents/brother/sister, I love and accept myself.


  1. Intention Mantras

Intention Mantras align the different levels of the mind. They are to be repeated silently by your kids in their head while releasing their breath through the mouth.

  • Please, God, help me with my intention of staying healthy.
  • Please, God, protect everyone in my family from the virus.
  1. OM mantra

Children love the Om Mantra. The sound of OM opens and energizes an important energy channel for them. Have your kids do the OM mantra as often as they can throughout the day.

  1. Visualization

Ask your child to create a picture in their mind where they see themselves in the future

talking with a friend/family member on the phone as they say the words below:


It was not so bad, and everyone is ok!

Ask your kids to breathe as they visualize the scene they created. If you can get them to draw it, the best they can, that will further anchor the future they would like to create.



Frances Fox is a world renown shaman, alternative medicine expert and remote viewer and the creator of the Fox Mental Yoga for Kids protocols. For more information visit




Mental Yoga for Kids

Tools to manage stress and fear due to the coronavirus

The Fox Mental Yoga for Kids Protocols are tools aimed at reducing the stress and fear associated with the coronavirus. These simple exercises will help your kids avoid and purify the emotional and mental consequences caused by stress. Do them together with your kids to create harmony during social distancing & isolation!

What are Mantras?

A mantra is a device that liberates the mind of

negative thoughts, emotions and images.

  1. Purification mantra

The Purification mantras act like a vacuum cleaner, absorbing and purifying negative thoughts & emotions.

They are to be repeated silently in the head  throughout the day and the breath is released through the mouth.

To Purify their minds of fears have them choose a mantra to repeat in silence:

  • Even though I’m afraid, I love myself and accept myself.
  • Even though I am afraid because my parents are fighting, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I am afraid my parents/grandparents will get sick, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I am afraid to get sick, I love and accept myself.


To purify their minds of loneliness, isolation have them choose a mantra to repeat in silence:

Even though I am sad I cannot see my friends, I love and accept myself.

Even though I am lonely, I love and accept myself.

To purify their minds of frustration and anger from being quarantined have them choose a mantra and repeat in silence:

Even though I resent living like this, I love and accept myself

Even though I am angry at my parents/brother/sister, I love and accept myself

  1. Intention Mantras

The Intention Mantras align the different levels of the mind. They are to be repeated silently in the head and the breath is released through the mouth.

“Please, God, help me with my intention to stay healthy”

“Please, God, protect everyone in my family from the virus.”

  1. OM mantra

Children love the Om Mantra. The sound of OM opens and energizes an important energy channel. Have them do the OM mantra as often throughout the day.

  1. Visualization

Ask your child to create a picture in their mind where they see themselves in the future talking on the phone with a friend/family member as they say the words below:

 “It was not so bad, everyone is Ok!”

Ask them to breath as they visualize this scene they created. If you can get them to draw it, as best they can, they will further anchor the future they want to create.

Frances Fox is a world renown shaman, alternative medicine expert and remote viewer and the creator of the Fox Mental Yoga for Kids Protocols. For more information visit

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