- February 3, 2023
MANTRISTAS? sexta subraza de la raza raíz aria
- Frances Fox
La aparición de la sexta subraza de la raza raíz aria
Según Blavatsky, la sexta subraza de la raza raíz aria comenzará a evolucionar en el área de los Estados Unidos a principios del siglo 21. Esta sexta subraza de la raza raíz aria se llamará subraza australoamericana y los teósofos creen que ahora surge de la subraza teutónica de la raza raíz aria en Australia y en el oeste de los Estados Unidos (muchos individuos de la nueva subraza nacerán en California) y sus áreas cercanas circundantes (es decir, la subraza australo-americana surge de los grupos étnicos angloamericanos, anglo-canadienses, anglo-australianos y presumiblemente también anglo-neozelandeses). [31] La sexta o subraza australoamericana “poseerá ciertos poderes psíquicos, y para ello se desarrollará el cuerpo pituitario, dando así un sentido adicional, el de conocer las emociones astrales en la conciencia ordinaria de vigilia. Podemos decir que, en general, la sexta subraza traerá sabiduría e intuición, mezclando todo lo que es mejor en la inteligencia de la quinta subraza y la emoción de la cuarta“. [31]
English version
The emergence of the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race[edit] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_race
According to Blavatsky the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century. This sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will be called the Australo-American subrace and is believed by Theosophists to be now arising from the Teutonic subrace of the Aryan root race in Australia and in the Western United States (many individuals of the new subrace will be born in California) and its surrounding nearby areas (i.e., the Australo-American subrace is in arising from the Anglo-American, Anglo-Canadian, Anglo-Australian and presumably also the Anglo-New Zealander ethnic groups).[31] The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will "possess certain psychic powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognising astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth subrace and the emotion of the fourth."[31]
The periods of the great root races are divided from each other by great convulsions of Nature, and by great geological changes. Every root-race is separated by a catastrophe, a cataclysm—the basis and historical foundation of the fables woven later on into the religious fabric of every people, whether civilized or savage, under the names of “deluges,” “showers of fire”, ‘great floods” and the like .
The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will "possess certain Psychic Powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognising astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth sub-race and the emotion of the fourth."
The emergence of the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race[edit]
According to Blavatsky the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century. This sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will be called the Australo-American subrace and is believed by Theosophists to be now arising from the Teutonic subrace of the Aryan root race in Australia and in the Western United States (many individuals of the new subrace will be born in California) and its surrounding nearby areas (i.e., the Australo-American subrace is in arising from the Anglo-American, Anglo-Canadian, Anglo-Australian and presumably also the Anglo-New Zealander ethnic groups).[31] The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will "possess certain psychic powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognising astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth subrace and the emotion of the fourth."[31]
https://glorian.org/books/kabbalah-of-the-mayan-mysteries/the-root-racesSixth subrace: The mixture of the Spanish Conquistadors with the Native American tribes. The effort to form the sixth subrace in the redskin territory was very difficult, because the English Conquistadors destroyed them; they assassinated them, instead of mixing themselves with the natives. Only in a very insignificant and incipient way was the mixture of blood performed. This is why the Occult Fraternity saw the necessity of converting the North American territory into a melting crucible of races. So, the formation of the sixth subrace in the United States had enormous difficulties; there, all the races of the world have mixed. The sixth subrace in Latin America was formed very easily and this is something that must not be ignored by the treatisers of anthropogenesis and occultism.