Horoscopes December 24 to 30 Connect to the Light

Galactic Horoscopes

December 24 to 30, 2012

We  will Now Live the Results of the Planetary Alignment:

Heaven and hell and it is your choice!

Your individual horoscope is below
The world as we knew it is gone. The end date of the Mayan calendar is gone. Your old safety nets are gone.  Now your old habits need to change to adjust to this new world.
As you already know, on December 21, 2012 Planet Earth aligned with a super massive black hole, which the Mayans called Xibalba, the path to the underworld. The stars also formed the Sacred Tree of Life but with Xiblaba at the base which did pour onto us energetic plagues that could block us from seeing the incredible level of “light” that is also here.
The energetic plagues include a deep desire ‘to kill” and you will be protected:

  • If you are in control of the spirits who could overwhelm your spiritual life, this phase we are in will be easier.
  • If you have done your emotional release work particularly having to do with repressed anger, this state of planetary history will be easier
  • If you have honored your child’s ability to see spirits, these times will be easier
  • If your home, your protection from invading spirits is purified of bad energies, these times will be easier

You notice I did not say easy, I said easier.
Find your repressed rage
In order to protect yourself from those energies you must go on a search and destroy mission in your life. You must search out within your aura any vasanas (deep rooted impressions) of repressed anger. You must look for situations that frustrate you so much the anger could make you “lose it”. You must look for internal organs that are full of old anger such as your liver.
Rather than destroy the vasanas, the situations, or the organs that carry or cause anger, you should purify them of the anger so they do not attract more. In the case of people and situations, you must look to resolve the differences that cause the anger or you must walk away. Do not bury your emotions that are a result of these people or situations, as you will soon find the price you will pay will be higher than you expected.
The Law of Attraction says you draw to you what is in your mind. Unfortunately it will draw to you this awful energetic plague that has been poured onto the Planet if you have repressed rage inside you. Can’t you feel its presence already?
Time is short and it is now you should search or and purify your life of anger to ensure you do not resonate with the new plagues on the Planet.
Learn how to connect to the light that is pouring in
It is time you take charge of the spiritual/emotional part of your life so that the energies that poured in on the 21st do not destroy your sanity and so that you can take advantage of the incredible light that is also pouring into the planet.
Don’t be so impatient with others. Learn that good things are worth waiting for. Ask others how long is the proper time to wait for your projects to develop into a reality. If they say it is you who determines that, know that is true and be patient with yourself for not moving faster.
Your mantra for this week:
Please God help me with my intention to be patient.
Inch by inch you get closer to the goal until it is actually within reach. Don’t despair; Rome was not built in one day.
Your mantra for this week:
Please God help me with my intention to trust I made the right decisions
Who says you cannot have it all? Creating reality is easy for someone like you with such a wonderfully agile mind. If you lack the discipline then go into training like an athlete, so that you train your mind to create what you want.
Your mantra this week is
Please God help me with my intention to make a plan and stick to it.
You are so tired you  need to make sure you get enough rest. Remember, depression can be a result of exhaustion. Take care of yourself.
Please God help me with my intention to stop overworking
Make all the arrangements but don’t forget to let others help out. Sometimes you are so independent you forget others want to help. Your mantra this week is:
Please God help me with my intention to work well with others
Why the long face? You got what you wanted and you should be satisfied. Is it possible nothing pleases you and you nit pick everything to death? Stop it now!  You are entering a new cycle and that habit of needing everything perfect will keep you from enjoying life.
Your mantra this week is:
Please God help me with my intention to heal my perfectionism so I can enjoy life.
Life is getting easier, now that Saturn has let you go. There are some messes to clean up but when you do that, you will be super pleased at how much nicer your life will be.
You mantra this week is:
Please God help me with my intention to be grateful.
You are pleased with yourself and you should be. All the plans are finished and everything is lined up properly. Remember, for it to work there must be benefits for the others involved or they will not support you.
Your mantra this week is:
Please God help me with my intention to work well with others.
No illusions please when you make your final plans. Be realistic to ensure it all works out.
Your mantra this week is:
Please God help me with my intention to be realistic.
Everyday is a new day so everyday is an opportunity to start a new life. If you view your life in this way it will be easier. And next year is right around the corner and you can really make big changes and get the support you need.
Your mantra this week is
Please God help me with my intention to stop being so controlling.
You are not lazy, you are tired. Get some rest even if it means you have to pay for a babysitter or make other arrangements that cost money. Your depression could be helped if you had more vitality for fun.
Your mantra this week is
Please God help me with my intention to take care of myself.
It is getting weird at night for you. You are super psychic and you can “see” things that others cannot. The Mayan calendar did not say anything about “seeing” spirits but that is part of Revelations in the Bible. Get some advise as to what to do so that you can sleep better.
Your mantra this week is:
Please God help me with my intention to heal my fear of the spirit world.

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