Collapse of Traditional Astrology?

Collapse of Traditional Astrology

No need to change your zodiac sign

if you follow the Dolphin Horoscopes

Banks are collapsing, countries are collapsing, institutions are collapsing, all signs that we are in the middle of a paradigm shift. Who would have guessed that the paradigm shift would include the collapse of traditional astrology? The Internet is buzzing with people trying to make sense of the news that there is a new zodiac sign: Ophiuchus. A lot of people are worried about how this new zodiac sign is going to affect their destiny. And who is there to trust about what to do about the news that you may no longer be what you thought you were: a Virgo, a Taurus, etc?

You don’t have that problem with the Frances Fox’s Dolphin Horoscopes. These Dolphin guided horoscopes have served you well because they have not been limited to the “known” planets. Dolphin Horoscopes have always included unknown planets, and energies including Ophiuchus and also other influences, such as Aquarian Energies that began entering Planet Earth fully on the night of January 15th, 2011.

Aquarian energies are all that the Flower Children praised in the 1960’s but more. This is a short list of what Aquarian energies support:

  • More Wikileaks type revelations of abuse and injustices
  • Individualism
  • Augmented community energies
  • Augmented sharing of wealth
  • Augmented diminishing of the lines between race, religions and cultures

All of these energies do not support the types of societies we have set up. It will be difficult for hierarchy and its institutions to keep going. We are already witnessing the collapse of governments and systems. Aquarian Energies are a big part of the push for this collapse.

For governments and institutions it will be extremely difficult to keep going, as there will be zero support for their systems, processes, and hierarchy. But the individual will be highlighted and energized. One individual could change the entire face of science with his/her discoveries. One individual could set a world record in running that could revolutionize the way we look at the human body.

But for the individuals who will not be breaking any world records, the Dolphin Horoscopes can guide them rapidly towards their individual achievements and lubricate their entry into the Golden Age. By all counts, some will enter the Golden Age gracefully while others will enter via a doorway of horror. Dolphin Horoscopes can help to insure you have the information necessary to glide gracefully through the portal to the Golden Age

Unfortunately the Age of Aquarius will also include an augmentation of:

  • Eccentricity
  • Mental illness
  • Addiction to technology
  • Addiction to electricity (called electroaddiction)

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